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Application Surfaces
Cement, Grout, Joint, Mortar, Plaster,
Available Packages
Plastic Bottles/Barrels 1L, 4L, 20L, IBC 1000L
Aquashield Mix
Water repellent admixture for cement, mortar joints, mortar coatings
Aquashield Mix is a one-part water-based product. Its nanostructure acts as a non-film forming shield against passage of water and salts while allowing moisture vapour permeability through the substrate surface. As Aquashield Mix is added to cement, mortar joint or mortar coating, millions of nanoparticles penetrate the substrate making it superhydrophobic, without sealing it or changing its properties and appearance. In this way, Aquashield Mix achieves perfect water repellency, easy cleaning, and protection from mold and fungal growth. In addition, Aquashield Mix provides protection to the substrate surface from cracks.
Shake well before use. For each 8kg of dry weight mortar joint or mortar coating replace 1L of water with Aquashield Mix and mix well until a homogenous mixture is made.
For ready-mixed concrete and mortar: 5-8% Aquashield Mix per dry weight. Aquashield Mix should be admixed first (5-8L / 100kg of cement or mortar) then add water accordingly. Maximum effect is achieved after 48 hours. For more detailed information, read the Technical Data Sheet
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